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Arizona City, Arizona, United States
We are Barbara and Bill Connor formerly of Meadville, PA. We sold our home in October, 2008 and are now living fulltime in a 39' Titanium 5th wheel RV and loving every minute of it! Back to Arizona for the winter. CLICK ON ANY PHOTO TO ENLARGE.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, Kanab, Utah, Oct. 2010

Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, located at Angel Canyon in the Golden Circle of southern Utah, is home, on any given day, to about 1,700 dogs, cats, and other animals from all over the country. Many of them need just a few weeks of special care before they're ready to go to good new homes. Others, who are older or sicker, or who have suffered extra trauma, find a home and a haven here, and are given loving care for the rest of their lives.

The Best Friends Wishing Garden, outside the welcome center provides a quiet place dedicated to the animals. Best Friends reaches across the nation and around the world, helping local communities to rescue animals in distress and to set up spay/neuter, shelter, foster, and adoption programs in their own neighborhoods. Best Friends employees over 400 people, from administration, to veterinarians, trainers, groomers, caregivers, maintenance, and tour guides, and hundreds of volunteers, many who spend their vacations here to help any way they can.
Their rapid response team brings rescue and relief to people and pets in times of crisis and disaster. Their work is supported entirely by donations of their members. They ensure that animals that come into the care of Best Friends will never again be alone, hungry, sick, afraid, or in pain.
If you are interested in donating to this wonderful cause to protect unwanted animals, please visit http://www.bestfriends.org/.
God Bless those who help the animals.......

1 comment:

evitiev said...

The second picture in this post showed me the place seems cozy for human or animals!