Space shuttle Endeavoour was scheduled to return home to Kennedy Space Center today so Bill and I drove to Lori Wilson Park just south of Cocoa Beach to watch the event.

This is the entrance from the park to the beach. There are lots of wooden walkways and benches to sit on and enjoy the afternoon sun.

Bill on the beach waiting for Endeavour to return. The launch was on Nov. 14. It was a little chilly today so we had on our jackets.

There were a lot of spectators waiting for the return. Endeavour had to land in California on Nov 30 because of poor weather conditions at KSC. She left Edwards AFB in California on Wednesday, Dec. 10 on a 2225 mile journey with overnight stops at Forth Worth Naval Air Station in Texas and Barksdale AFB in Louisiana before leaving this morning for KSC.

This picture was taken through binoculars of Kennedy Space Center.
Here is Endeavour, weighing over 110 tons riding piggy-back on a 747 jet. Although the flight and it's $1.8 million cost is never NASA's preference, it does generate public enthusium at each of its stops. Once back at KSC technicians were expected to work overnight to detach Endeavour from its carrier aircraft before the orbiter was to be towed to a hangar early Saturday.
Endeavour's next mission is targeted for mid-May and it also serves as the rescue shuttle of the Hubble mission, in the unlikely event that one was needed.

Bill on the beach waiting for Endeavour to return. The launch was on Nov. 14. It was a little chilly today so we had on our jackets.

There were a lot of spectators waiting for the return. Endeavour had to land in California on Nov 30 because of poor weather conditions at KSC. She left Edwards AFB in California on Wednesday, Dec. 10 on a 2225 mile journey with overnight stops at Forth Worth Naval Air Station in Texas and Barksdale AFB in Louisiana before leaving this morning for KSC.

This picture was taken through binoculars of Kennedy Space Center.
Here is Endeavour, weighing over 110 tons riding piggy-back on a 747 jet. Although the flight and it's $1.8 million cost is never NASA's preference, it does generate public enthusium at each of its stops. Once back at KSC technicians were expected to work overnight to detach Endeavour from its carrier aircraft before the orbiter was to be towed to a hangar early Saturday.
Endeavour's next mission is targeted for mid-May and it also serves as the rescue shuttle of the Hubble mission, in the unlikely event that one was needed.
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