Here's a day at Jellystone Park in Larkspur, formerly the Castle Rock RV Park.
That's Yogi standing beside the big statue of Yogi by the Ranger Station.

Here's Yogi giving a hug to our wonderful cleaning team, Karen and Ed. They are from Pueblo, Colorado. Karen is always ready to give you a big smile and a hug.

Ceilidh, our Mini Schnauzer, wasn't too sure about Yogi at first, but she made up to him. Yogi, Bill, and Ceilidh.

Yogi giving a big hug to Andy, one of the maintenance workers. Andy lives at the park in his RV and is a great help in grading the roads after our Colorado rain storms, which have been very frequent this spring and early summer.
Bill,Yogi, and Barb.

A couple of deer in velvet were standing just across the way from our RV one morning as we were getting ready to leave for Colorado Springs.

Joseph Winterhawk, a local Ute Indian, is building a "horno" or outdoor oven in the valley for us. He makes the bricks of mud and straw, lets them dry, then assembles the horno. It is almost finished.

A thistle, just ready to bloom, is a common sight along the roads in the park, along with lots of other wildflowers.
I took this picture looking out across the back of our campsite of a beautiful rainbow after one of our frequent afternoon storms. It will rain "in buckets" and then be all over and the sun comes out. What beauty!
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